Sit back and relax whilst we keep your profiles up to date and looking slick.

Content plan
Whether you're on a fortnightly or monthly plan, you'll receive a full schedule of posts for approval ahead of time. These posts will be generated based on your wider strategy, key dates and messaging. This means you can focus on your day-to-day priorities, knowing social media is taken care of.
Post management
Once we have your approval for the social media plan, we'll ensure all the posts go out as planned. Whether this is pre-scheduling them using a planning tool or posting them directly to make the most of specific features for each of the sites.
Each month we will pull together an overview report which will detail top-level metrics such as followers, number of posts and engagement rate. However, the metrics we decide to measure can be changed to match your KPIs.
On-going support & meetings
We know that, from time to time, you may need some extra support. So, whether that's technical or content support, we're on hand to help.
We also offer the option to get together each month for a catch-up and discuss the content plans.

Let's work together.
We love hearing from brands that are after new ideas and looking to take their marketing to the next level. If you'd like to find out more about what we do, email us at
Whoever we're speaking to, we always share three simple tips to help them accelerate the growth of their social media. We believe in these so much, that they are at the core of our social media management packages.
1 \ Plan ahead
​For many businesses, social media is quite far down the to-do list and ends up being a reactive rather than proactive activity. Now, reactive marketing can be fantastic. But when it’s used because you ran out of time rather than you’re jumping on some hot trend, then it’s not so great. By creating weekly, fortnightly or monthly content plans you can be sure you have posts going out regularly.
2 \ Be consistent
Being consistent is applicable in two ways.
The first is to be consistent with your plans. Once you start doing them, don’t stop! You’ll lose any momentum you build.
The second way to be consistent is with your messaging.
You may have heard of the Rule of 7 in marketing. This is the idea that people need to see or hear a message 7 times before they act on it. So, be consistent with your key messages.
3 \ Sell less
To some people, this might seem a bit odd. But stick with us!
When you’re scrolling through your social media platform of choice, do you want to read a sales pitch? No.
You want to be entertained and informed. So, try and do the same for your audience.
There is definitely a time and place for selling. But try and do it sparingly.